Slaughterhouse Waste Composting Machine

Crusher cum Conveyor

Composting Machine

Composting Machine with automatic Temperature controlled ceramic jacketed heating system and Heavy duty Shredder & Blender system
  • Meat waste is fed into a Composting Machine with automatic Temperature controlled ceramic jacketed heating system and Heavy duty CNC Cut shredder & fine blender system.
  • Meat waste is shredded into small particles and in that we will add 0.1% culture powder, an absorbent to absorb excess liquid.
  • After this the compost machine is made to run for sometime. During this time the blender blends the Waste in an ideal temperature of 55-60 degree by automatic temperature control system.
  • In this temperature the healthy microbes gets activated and starts multiplying and start eating the biodegradable waste.
  • The life cycle of these microbes is approx. 10-12 days, this process of getting Meat waste eaten by microbes and converting it into manure is called Curing process.
  • The Curing process is done out side the machine.

Curing Process

Curing System

  • After running in the compost machine the compost raw compost material is being transferred to curing drum trammels through screw conveyor.
  • The curing drum trammels run at a very slow speed and its speed and timing is automatically controlled in such a way that for curing it will circulate the raw compost slowly inside the trammel in such a way that it material entered will exit on the 10th day after the completion of curing Process in a controlled environment with ideal aeration provided through blowers and ideal moisture provided by foggers.
  • So that the microbes get ideal conditions and atmosphere help them to survive for 10-12 days to convert the chicken waste into compost.
  • After 10-12 days the mature cured fertile Compost starts coming out of the trammel output which is ready to use for Agriculture, gardens etc.
  • Output Manure will be around 60-80%.

Machines Used